(亚当.密茨凯维奇《百合花》 Adam.Mickiewicz “Lily kwiat”)
I. 波兰知识 About Poland
1. 有关波兰的视频 Videos about Polska
波兰圣诞歌歌词 Polish Christmas Song Lyrics
波兰立陶宛联盟 The Polish-LIthuanian Union 1385-1795
更多波兰歌曲 More Polish Songs and Music
波兰历史导读 A_guide_to_the_history_of_Poland
2. 更多 More about Poland
波兰世界文化与自然遗产 World Cultural and Natural Heritage of Poland
波兰的万灵节 All Saints’ Day in Poland
波兰民俗服饰 Polish Traditional Costume
波兰礼仪与习俗 Polish Etiquette and Customs
波兰最美丽的十条街道 Ten Most Beautiful Streets in Poland
波兰饺子和中国饺子 Polish pierogi and Chinese Jiaozi
波兰剪纸视频 Video of Polish Paper-cutting
波兰与中国的友好城市 Sister Cities Between Poland and China
关于波兰的这些你知道吗?Do You Know All This about Poland?
波兰的古堡 Ancient Castles in Poland
波兰的城堡和宫殿 Castles and Palaces in Poland
波兰的文化名人和艺术名人 Polish Cultural and Art Celebrities
波兰的文化和艺术生活 Cultural and Artistic Life in Poland
波兰姑娘使用最多的名字(2015年统计) Most Popular First Names in Poland in 2015 (GIRLS)
难以发音的9个波兰单词 The 9 Most Unpronounceable Words in Polish
1945年前后的波兰版图 Polish Territory Before and After 1945
波兰滨海区视频 Polish Pomorskie Video
波兰珠宝名店 Jewelry Stores in Poland
3. 你了解这些波兰地方(城市)吗?What do You know about such places (cities) of Poland?
波兰热门旅游景点 Popular Tourist Attractions in Poland
1) 华沙 Warszawa
2) 克拉科夫 Krakow
3) 格但斯克 Gdansk
5) 波兹南 Poznan
6) 托伦 Torun
7) 什切青 Szczecin
9) 卢布林 Lublin
10) 罗兹 Lodz
11) 卡托维兹 Katowice
12) 热舒夫 Rzeszow
13) 凯尔采 Kielce
14) 索波特 Sopot
15) 扎莫希奇古城 Zamość
16)格雷菲诺 Gryfino
17) 维奇利卡 Wieliczka
18)举世闻名的“条顿骑士城堡” The world famous “Teutonic Knight Castle”
4. YouTube上的波兰 Poland on YouTube
1) 波兰 Poland
2) 波兰的联合国教科文组织世界遗产 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Poland
3) 波兰十大旅游胜地.全高清 Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Poland.Full HD
4) 波兰的古城堡 Castles in Poland / Polskie zamki i ruiny
5) 访问波兰 – 将震撼你的10件关于波兰的事情 Visit Poland – 10 Things That Will SHOCK You About Poland
6) 波兰的生活费用(随时间推移) Cost of living in Poland (with time-lapse)
7) 你必定会听到的波兰成语和表达 Polish Idioms & Expressions You Just Have to Hear
8) Poland is Simply a Fruit Lovers’ Paradise! 波兰只是一个水果爱好者的天堂!
9) 20个英语和波兰语之间有趣的翻译 20 Amusing Translations between English & Polish
II. 我拍摄的部分波兰照片 Some photos I photographed
1. 卢布林 Lublin(露天乡村博物馆,宗教博物馆塔楼俯瞰卢布林,马伊达内克Majdane纳粹死亡集中营,卢布林附近亚诺维茨皇宫古堡,居里夫人大学,居里夫人大学植物园)
2. 波兹南 Poznan (密茨凯维奇大学,皇宫-德皇行宫,市政广场,通向动物园的小火车也是欧洲最早的小火车)
3. 华沙 Warszawa (华沙赛马场,居里夫人故居,街边肖邦音乐座椅按下按键开始演奏肖邦钢琴曲,无名烈士墓)
4. 格但斯克 Gdansk
5. Czartoryskich王子宫殿(Pulawy附近)
6. 库尔尼克 Kornik (国家科学院树木园中的秃桧周围都是其呼吸根不是石头,1948年在Kornik国家科学院树木园首次用树籽栽种的祖籍中国重庆的水杉已经70岁啦)
7. 格涅兹诺 Gniezno (建于公元977年的格涅兹诺圣母升天主教坐堂五任国王在此加冕)
8. 比得哥什 Bydgosz (布尔达河一角和城中一角)
9. 托伦 Torun (哥白尼故居博物馆,条顿骑士团古城墙)
10. 马尔堡 Malbork (条顿骑士团城堡)
11. 克拉科夫 Kraków (皇宫,集市广场,著名宫廷画家杨.马特伊克Jana Matejki故居,街头歌舞,奧斯威星集中營,维利奇卡盐矿)
12. (卢布林省)扎莫希奇古城 Zamość
13. 波兰古朴小城奥斯特鲁夫(Ostrow Wielkopolski)古朴老街一角和波兰迷人小城奥尔什丁(Olsztyn)富有情趣的小街
14. 什切青 Szczecin 和戈茹夫 Gorzow Wielkopolski
15. 航空城莱什诺 Leszno 和小镇乌斯霍瓦Wschowa
16. 重视下水道的卡利什 Kalisz 和宁静小城科宁 Konin
17. 沙莫图维 Szamotuly 和 瓦索沃 Wasowo 古堡
18. 南部工业重镇卡托维兹 Katowic
20. (卢布林省)波兰著名景点卡奇米日.多尔尼 Kazimierz Dolny
21. 波兰(德国)边境小城斯武比采 Slubice,奥得河中线即为国境线,桥西侧是德国小城老法兰克福 Frankfurt an der Oder
22. 传统葡萄酒产地的绿山城 Zielona Gora,绝对是欢乐、极富情调的城市
23. 热舒夫 Rzeszow 和尼斯科 Nisko
24. 皮瓦 Piła
25. 海乌姆 Chelm
26. 特别推荐:波兰七大奇迹之首的扎莫斯基家族宫殿 Kazlowka Palace of Zamoyski family, the first of the Seven Wonders of Poland
(卢布林省)卢巴尔图夫 Lubartow 的扎莫斯基家族宫殿Kazlowka Palace of Zamoyski family和宫殿里面的“社会主义展览Socialism Exhibition”
“如果不想让资本家卷土重来,就投拥护我们的票 If you don’t want Capitalists to return, vote ‘YES’ three times”
“由于生养了一个大家庭获得奖励的英雄母亲 Mother-Hero awarded for the large family”
III. 我在波兰街头拍摄的几张照片 A Few photos I photographed in the streets of Poland
1: Waiting for you to touch day and night — a street puppy – “I am a gentleman, I will not bark to you. You are welcome to touch me as you like.” Such a lovely puppy! Even the top hats and umbrellas are touched to be so shining. Obviously how fascinating it is, and it will definitely be a blessing when you touch it – photographed on the street of Torun.
The kid donkey waiting for you to touch day and night – “Welcome to touch my back, my belly, my face, my tail and my hoofs; the more you touch, the more fortunate you are; especially touch my ears. Is there not a famous story of ‘The King Has a Donkey Ear’? It is said to be my ear.” Such a cute little donkey! Really those who see it will like it. Let’s touch it – photographed on the street of Torun.
Everyone will touch the two sheep when seeing them –“We’re the symbol of Poznan, and we’re going to perform on the roof of the town hall at 12:00 sharp every day. Now our backs have been touched to be so bright by people; we are just against each other, without noticing who have touched us. Tell us if you once touched us, OK? Such two lovely sheep! Come and feel them, and don’t forget to let them know that you are touching them. – photographed in front of Poznan’s government office building.
A cyclist – he must be one of my cyclists, forever filled with pride, hoping to be touched brightly by people who want good luck. Look carefully, some people started to put their love loch on him. Goodbye, my cycling partner. — photographed in Poznan
The lamplighter of the street gas lamps – you were here a hundred years ago lighting up the street gas lamp for passers-by, illuminating the roads, and unexpectedly you are still here sticking to your job. Still only a single word: goodbye, you the lamplighter, and take more care – photographed in Poznan
Seven cute little animals with expressions – a large part of the interesting sculptures on the streets of Europe are about animals – photographed in Gorzow
A small, interesting sculpture of a private residential window – a very lively atmosphere. Tt can be seen that the owner must love life with a sense of life – photographed in Torun
8. 波兹南歌剧院门前的两个雕塑之一 – 摄于波兹南 One of the two sculptures in front of the Poznan Opera House – photographed in Poznan
9. 华沙老城的美人鱼雕塑(塞琳娜) – 摄于华沙 Mermaid sculpture (Selina) in Stare miasto of Warszawa – photographed in Warsaw
10. 摄于卢布林 Photographed in Lublin
11. 摄于卢布林 Photographed in Lublin
12. 摄于波兹南老城 – Photographed in the old city of Poznan