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(同一首歌 – 意大利博洛尼亚Piccolo Coro dell’ Antoniana合唱团)

(The Same Song by Piccolo Coro dell’ Antoniana from Bologna, Italy)






Dear students and friends,

Hi, Cześć! I am J.Yang, your Chinese teacher, and your friend. This is  “My Interaction Platform”, made all by myself with my own hands. It is great pleasure for us to meet again here, and you are welcome to write down your comments, proposals, requirements, wishes, etc. for “My Chinese Courses Platform” and “My Interaction Platform”.

(All the slide show photos were taken in Lublin, Poland, myself with my own mobile phone. If you desire to know the places where I took the slide show photos, please find the answers below.)



Slides on the Homepage of “My Interaction Platform”

图片1. 卢布林约翰·保罗二世天主教大学百年老校园

100-year-old campus of Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

图片2. 卢布林市街区(2017摄于卢布林宗教博物馆塔楼上)

Bird view of Lublin Streets (photographed on the tower of Lublin Museum of Religion in 2017)

图片3. 卢布林天主教大学中国文化日活动(2017摄于卢布林天主教大学校园)

On Chinese Culture Day at KUL (photographed at the campus of KUL in 2017)

图片4. 卢布林省世界文化遗产扎莫希奇老城墙(2016摄于扎莫希奇老城墙)

Old city wall of Zamość, world heritage in Lubeski (photographed on the old city wall of Zamość in 2016)

图片5. 天主教大学汉学系学生参加波兰2017汉语桥比赛

Students from Katedra Sinologii at Poland Chinese Bridge Competition in 2017

图片6. 卢布林省卢巴尔图夫的扎莫希奇家族科兹洛卡宫殿(2017摄于扎莫希奇家族宫殿花园)

Kozlowka Palace of Zamoyski Family in Lubartów, Lubeski (photographed in the garden of Kozlowka Palace of Zamoyski Family in 2017)

图片7. 《古代汉语》下课后(2016摄于天主教大学教室)

After class of “Classic Chinese” (photographed in the classroom of KUL in 2016)

图片8. 卢布林老城(2017摄于卢布林宗教博物馆塔楼上)

Stare Miasto of Lublin (photographed on the tower of Lublin Museum of Religion in 2017)

图片9. 卢布林省亚诺维茨残缺美的皇宫古堡(2015摄于亚诺维茨古堡外)

Imperial Zamek of incomplete beauty in Janowiec, Lubelski (photographed outside of the Imperial Zamek in Janowiec in 2015)

图片10. 卢布林省亚诺维茨残缺美的皇宫古堡(2015摄于亚诺维茨古堡内)

Imperial Zamek of incomplete beauty in Janowiec, Lubelski (photographed inside of the Imperial Zamek in Janowiec in 2015)

图片11. 卢布林省波兰著名景点卡齐米日多尔尼(2015摄于卡齐米日多尔尼山坡上)

Kazimierz Dolny, Polish famous tourist attraction in Lubeski (photographed on the hill of Kazimierz Dolny in 2015)

图片12. 夜幕下的卢布林街景(2017摄于卢布林克拉科夫大街)

Evening view of Lublin street (photographed on Aleje Krakowskie Przedmiescie in Lublin in 2017)

图片13. 卢布林居里夫人大学植物园一角(2017摄于居里夫人大学植物园)

A corner of the Botanic Garden of Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej (photographed in the Botanic Garden of Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej in 2017)

图片14. 卢布林省海乌姆白垩地道(2015摄于海乌姆)

Chalk Tunnel in Chełm, Lubelski (photographed in the chalk tunnel in Chełm in 2015)

图片15. 卢布林露天乡村博物馆的风车(2017摄于卢布林露天乡村博物馆)

The windmill in the open air Village Museum in Lublin (photographed in the open air Village Museum in 2017)

图片16. 卢布林天主教大学中国日活动(2016年摄于卢布林天主教大学校园)

On Chinese Culture Day at KUL (photographed at the campus of KUL in 2016)

图片17. 卢布林天主教大学博物馆藏品画

Collected painting in KUL Museum

图片18. 美丽的虞美人罂粟花(2015摄于乡间)

Beautiful corn poppy flowers (photographed in the countryside in 2015)