缅怀Maria Roman Sławiński教授 Remember Prof. Maria Roman Sławiński

缅怀Maria Roman Sławiński教授 Remember Prof. Maria Roman Sławiński

Maria Roman Sławiński教授精通中国文化,任职于波兰雅盖隆大学、华沙大学、波兰科学院,是公认的当代中国历史和儒学的全球权威。他是卢布林天主教大学汉学系主要创始人。Maria Roman Sławiński教授亲自举荐j.Yang来到天主教大学任教至今。我2014年10月来到天主教大学不久,Maria Roman Sławiński教授便不幸病逝于华沙,令人无限痛惜。正是Maria Roman Sławiński教授对我的举荐,以及我在波兰多年工作的经历,使得在波兰的国际汉语教学成为我所热爱的终身事业!

永远缅怀Maria Roman Sławiński教授!


Professor Maria Roman Sławiński, who was an expert in Chinese culture, held posts at Yagalon University, Warsaw University and the Polish Academy of Sciences, and is known as a global authority on contemporary Chinese history and Confucianism. He is the main founder of Sinology at Catholic University of Lublin. Prof. Maria Roman Sławiński personally recommended j.Yang to teach at Catholic University. Shortly after I came teaching at Catholic University in October 2014, unfortunately prof. Maria Roman Sławiński died of illness in Warsaw, which is our deep sorrow.It is Professor Maria Roman Sawiski’s recommendation for me and my many years of working experience in Poland that makes international Chinese teaching in Poland a lifelong career I loved!

Always cherish the memory of prof. Maria Roman Sławiński