我的中国故乡(三) My Hometown in China (3)

我的中国故乡(三) – 我的第二故乡 My Hometown in China (3) – My Adoptive Hometown in China

我20岁便从天津来到内蒙古,在内蒙古生活工作了20年,所以这里成为我的第二故乡。I came to Inner Mongolia from Tianjin when I was 20 years old. I lived and worked in Inner Mongolia for 20 years, so Inner Mongolis has become my second hometown.

这是我在内蒙古早年的老照片,一直保存着。This is an old photo in Inner Mongolia long ago, which I cherish till now.

内蒙古 Inner Mongolia

内蒙古固阳县和包头市 Guyang county and Baotou city of Inner Mongolia:

包头市 Baotou city (包头是内蒙古最大的城市 Baotou is the biggest city of Inner Mongolia.)

包头名校 – 包头市第四中学 A famous school in Baotou – Baotou No.4 High School: