我的中国故乡(一)My Hometown in China (1)

我的中国故乡(一) – 我的出生地(故居)My Hometown in China (1) – My Birthplace (former residence) in China

我出生于中国天津市,直至20岁离开,20年后返回故乡。I was born in Tianjin, China, and left at the age of 20, and returned to this hometown 20 years later.

童年的家位于天津“五大道”的地方。The home of my childhood is located in the place called “Five Avenues” of Tianjin.

下面的照片中,铜马车后面的房子就是我童年的家,生于斯,长于斯。In the following picture, the house behind the copper carriage is my childhood home, where I was born and grew up.



关于天津的视频  Videos about Tianjin:

央视八集纪录片:《五大道》 Eight Episodes of Documentaries by CCTV: “Five avenues of Tianjin – The Stories of Concesions”

第一集 开埠

第二集 北洋

第三集 遗风

第四集 风云

第五集 商都

第六集 实业

第七集 摩登

第八集 启蒙

第九集 空间

 这里是天津 Here is Tianjin

天津市 Tianjin City

天津 Tianjin

航拍天津 Aerial Video of Tianjin


耀华小学和耀华中学是我接受启蒙教育的地方,也是塑造我的地方 Yaohua Primary School and Yaohua High School are places for me to receive elementary education, and are also places to mold me:


   (近百年校门 School gate nealy one hundred years old)


(近百年的礼堂 Auditorium nearly one hundred years old)

 (近百年的礼堂 Auditorium nearly one hundred years old)



更多关于天津耀华学校的视频 More videos about Tianjin Yaohua School:

耀华中学近百年礼堂   Auditorium nearly one hundred years of Tianjin Yaohua High School