其他欧洲国家的教堂 Churches in Other European Countries

其他欧洲国家的教堂 Churches in Other European Countries

I. 摄于英国的教堂 Churches photographed in England

1. 哥特式西敏寺又称威斯敏斯特大教堂,极其金碧辉煌而又庄严肃穆–作为英国皇家教堂,身份特殊,数百年来英国历代国王和女王加冕和长眠之地(两位除外)。能够在此安葬是难得的殊荣,名人墓或纪念碑包括英国文学之父乔叟,葬在其周围文学家有斯宾塞、狄更斯、勃朗宁、吉卜林、莎士比亚、狄更斯、哈代等,其他著名科学家及名人包括丘吉尔、克伦威尔、牛顿、达尔文、纳尔逊等。“荣誉的宝塔尖”绝不虚名—摄于伦敦

Gothic Westminster Abbey, also known as Westminster Abbey, extremely magnificent and solemn – as the Royal Church of England, a special status, for hundreds of years is the place of kings and queens of Britain for their  crown coronation  ceremonies and for their eternal sleep (except two). It is a rare honor to be buried here. The tombs or monuments of celebrity include Chaucer, the father of English literature, and literators around him include Spencer, Dickens, Browning, Kipling, Shakespeare, Dickens, Hardy, etc. Other famous scientists and celebrities include Churchill, Cromwell, Newton, Darwin, Nairson, etc. It deseves the name “The pagoda of honor”. – Photographed in London


Decathlon reliefs of 20th century saint martyrs on the West porch of the church, including St. Colbert died for others in Auschwitz Camp and Martin Luther King, the black American leader, etc.

钟楼和大本钟 The bell tower and Big Ben

教堂墓地的牛顿墓 Newton tomb in the churchyard

2. 摄于剑桥大学 Photographed at Cambridge University

K-Touch EasyPhoto E630a

II. 摄于比利时的教堂(布鲁塞尔、布鲁日和鲁汶) Churches photographed in Belgium (Brussels,Bruges and Leuven)


III. 摄于匈牙利的教堂 Churches photographed in Hungary



“Coronation cathedral” and the Trinity Commemorative Column of Budapest

IV. 摄于捷克布拉格的教堂 Churches photographed in Prague, Czech